I am excited to share with you the launch of the EBS online
shop, where you can purchase business related templates at very affordable
prices. In this video I show you how to access the EBS online shop through the
EBS website. (Jan 2025). (Refresh page, if "video is unavailable")
The EBS online shop has the following templates for purchase:
The EBS online shop will publish more templates in the near future.
online shop (Terms and conditions)
January 2025
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD is a Professional services
company that provides project management and Business development services.
The EBS online shop is a platform whereby Eben Business
Solutions (PTY) LTD sells business related templates for Small to Medium
Enterprises to use in their companies.
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD reserves the right to
modify these General Terms & Conditions at any time. If applicable, the
modifications will take effect fifteen (15) days after their publication on the Website: https://paystack.shop/ebs-online-shop.
General Terms & Conditions (T&C): designates these
general conditions, including their possible annexes and modifications.
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD: Refers to the private limited
company, whose head office is located at 44 The Aloes, 130 Bellairs Drive,
Northriding, Randburg, Gauteng, 2169 in South Africa, registered with the CIPC (Companies and
Intellectual Property Commission) under business registration number 2016/200955/07.
EBS online shop: is a paystack e-commerce platform of the
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD website. The EBS online shop is solely meant
for purchasing templates.
EBS online shop Account: designates the account allowing the
User to authenticate and access the services offered by the EBS online shop.
"RSA" means the Republic of South Africa;
Services: designates the service(s) presented by these
General Conditions.
User: Refers to all users of the EBS online shop.
The User acknowledges that his navigation on the Platform
and access to the templates is subject to his/her complete and unreserved
acceptance of these T&C.
The Platform provides Users with business templates,
allowing them to acquire in particular the knowledge necessary for manage the
administrative activities of a company.
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD will make its best efforts
to make the Platform accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without, however,
being held to an obligation of result. Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD may at
any time suspend, limit, or interrupt access to the Platform or certain of its
pages to carry out updates, modifications to its content, or any other action
deemed necessary for its proper functioning.
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD does not in any way
guarantee the availability, access, and continuity of the Platform and its
services. Its unavailability, whatever the cause, does not entitle the User to
any right to compensation.
The Template catalogue can be consulted on the Platform,
which are detailed in descriptive sheets per product.
Purchasing and accessing Templates requires the creation of
a EBS online shop Account. The User acknowledges and accepts that the creation
of a EBS online shop Account requires the provision of information marked as
mandatory. Any incomplete registration will result in the impossibility of
creating a EBS online shop Account and de facto accessing the Services.
Registration on the Platform is free of charge, with no
obligation to purchase and no time limit.
6.1. Templates
The price of a Template is mentioned in the description
sheet on the day of payment and is inclusive of RSA taxes.
The User makes payment using the payment methods
The User can also ask Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD to
purchase Templates by order form. In this case, payment is made by bank
transfer to the contact details indicated in the order form.
Payment for the Template is due upon signature of the order
form by the company under the conditions and deadlines detailed in the order
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD reserves the right to
block payment in order to carry out checks required by law. Rejecting payment,
for any reason, automatically cancels the order.
Use of the Services does not result in any transfer of
ownership between the parties. Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD and the User
have no rights to the brands and distinctive signs of the other party.
Consequently, the User undertakes not to infringe in any way
whatsoever the intellectual property rights held by Eben Business Solutions
(PTY) LTD, in particular relating to texts, photos, videos, data, posters,
logos, brands, and other elements reproduced on the sites. Eben Business
Solutions (PTY) LTD internets and its services.
The use of the Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD brand in a
domain name by the User is strictly prohibited. The User therefore undertakes
not to use the Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD registered trademark within
the domain name.
Consequently, no exploitation, distribution, reproduction,
or other use of these elements, even partial, can be carried out without the
express prior authorization of Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD.
The User may, however, cite Eben Business Solutions
(PTY) LTD as a commercial reference.
The User undertakes to adopt appropriate, correct, and
courteous behavior and respect all applicable legal provisions.
Users undertake not to use the Platform in a manner that
would result in damaging the functionalities, the security system, or any other
component of the Platform.
The User acknowledges and accepts that Eben Business
Solutions (PTY) LTD does not make any commitment or grant any guarantee, in
particular relating to:
the suitability of Template to the User’s needs;
the use without malfunction or anomaly of the
Platform or Templates, these being, like any computer application, susceptible
to malfunctions, anomalies, or errors;
the availability of the Templates included in
the Subscription. Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD may modify the Templates,
suspend their availability, or withdraw them. Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD
will make its best efforts to offer a coherent and continuous offer.
The User acknowledges and accepts that the Templates provided
by Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD is general knowledge available on the
internet and is not protected by intellectual property rights. However Eben
Business Solutions (PTY) LTD has updated the standard templates where
applicable to be practical when implemented. Consequently, the User undertakes to:
Do not record, copy, reproduce, distribute, or
broadcast the Templates on other sites or platforms without the prior written
authorization of Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD;
Do not share the Templates with unauthorized
third parties, whether free of charge or for a fee;
Use the Templates only for personal purposes and
in accordance with these T&C.
Any violation of this clause may result in legal action and
the removal of access to the templates and the Platform. Eben Business
Solutions (PTY) LTD reserves the right to claim damages in the event of harm
resulting from the violation of this clause.
When you register as a User of the EBS online shop, you will
voluntarily provide us with certain personal information including, but not
limited to, your name, surname, email address, mobile telephone number, email
address, Birthdate. We require this personal information to make the EBS online
shop available to you as a User. You cannot be a User without providing
us with this information. By you submitting any personal information to
us in any form, you further acknowledge that such conduct constitutes a
unconditional, specific and voluntary consent to the processing (including
storage) of such information by us in terms of these terms and conditions
and/or under any applicable law in the manner contemplated in these terms and
conditions, which consent shall, in the absence of any written objection
received from you, be indefinite and/or for the period otherwise required in
terms of any applicable law.
When you log in to the EBS online shop website, we make use
of cookies to track inter alia the date and time of your log in and to enable
the log in functionality to work. Certain cookies are necessary to enable key
functionality on our website, such as the user log in and registration, and other
cookies are used to track the performance of our website. We limit the
collection of information from cookies to information that we believe is
necessary to provide you with a better user experience and to enhance our
products and services, in a transparent way. By logging in to our website, you
acknowledge the use of cookies for the purposes as[JM2]
outlined herein and provide your unconditional consent that we may do so.
Under no circumstances will we sell your personal
information. In providing your personal information to any Eben
Business Solutions (PTY) LTD employee or sub-contractor, we will ensure that
such Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD employee or sub-contractor process your
personal information in compliance with POPIA. However, as we do not
control the actions of Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD sub-contractor or
third parties that may process your personal information, we cannot guarantee
how it will be used by such Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD sub-contractor or
third parties and you indemnify and hold us harmless against any claims
howsoever arising from such Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD sub-contractor or
third parties processing of your personal information.
At all times, we will process, manage and/or share your personal information in
terms of any applicable legislation including POPIA. All personal
information will be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner and
will only be collected and processed for the purposes set out herein. You
also recognise that there may be circumstances where we are legally obliged to
disclose your personal information to, for example, government authorities or
in respect of court proceedings.
You have the right to access any of your personal
information in our possession at any time and you may require us to correct any
incorrect information we may have. By registering as a User, you undertake to
ensure that any personal information provided to us is honest, current,
accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. You can update your personal
information via your EBS online shop Account. We will only process your
personal information for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which
the personal information was collected. Once you cease being a User ,
we will cease processing your personal information, save to the extent that we
are required to process your personal information in terms of any applicable
law. You can request us, at any stage, to delete your personal information, but
should you do so, this will result in your access to any purchased templates to
be unavailable for download.
We will, at all times, ensure that adequate security systems
and technical measures are in place to safeguard your personal
information. You are required to protect against unauthorised access to
your EBS online shop Account in any manner, and you indemnify and hold us
harmless against any loss or access to your personal information arising from
unauthorised access to your Legacy Lifestyle Account as a result of your
culpable or negligent conduct.
As our business changes constantly and the terms and
conditions of your User privileges on the website may change from time to time,
you are advised to regularly check our website for our updated policies and
terms and conditions. This will include any change to the Privacy Policy. Any
updated policy will be binding upon you from such time as it appears on our
Whilst we take as much care as possible to secure your
personal information, you irrevocably and unconditionally waive any claim that
you may have or which arises at any time in the future, against Eben Business
Solutions (PTY) LTD for any loss or theft of your personal information.
Should you believe that we have utilised personal
information contrary to applicable law, you undertake to first attempt to
resolve any concerns with us directly. If you are not satisfied with such
process, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD and the User remain
independent of each other. No stipulation in these T&C has the object or
purpose of creating any partnership, mandate, representation, or relationship
of subordination between the parties.
Any complaint relating to the purchase of templates must send
an email to eben_business_solutions@outlook.com, within 10 (ten) days following
the purchase of the template.
After this period, no complaints will be taken into account.
Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD may suspend the Services
in the event of the occurrence of an event beyond its control, a case of force
majeure as defined by the case law of the RSA courts, or due to the action of a
third party.
An "event of force majeure" shall mean any event
or circumstance of any nature whatever which is not within the reasonable
control of Eben Business Solutions (PTY) LTD including, without any
limitation, vis maior, casus fortuitus, any act of God,
pandemics, epidemics, strike, theft, fire, explosion, riot, insurrection or
other civil disorder, war (whether declared or not) or military operations,
international restrictions, any requirement of any international authority, any
requirement of any government or other competent local, regulatory or other
authority, any court or arbitral order, export control and any shortage of
transport or other facilities.
These T&C are exclusively governed by RSA law.
Any dispute which could arise from the interpretation or
execution of these T&C or which could be the result or consequence thereof,
will, prior to any legal or arbitral proceeding, be submitted to the mediation
of a mediator seized at the request of the more diligent part. In the event of
failure of mediation, the dispute will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the RSA Commercial Court, notwithstanding multiple parties or warranty